Webinar Overview

This is a pre-recorded Webinar and includes a CPD Certificate at completion.

Access to Course: 12 months

Course includes:

  • Resources: Manual
  • Pre-record Webinar:  90 Minutes
  • CPD Certificate

Guidelines for management of back pain are based on RCTs that typically include patients older than 18 and younger than 65. Young and old are poorly represented. While most back pains do improve quickly, persistent pain is common, and recurrences are to be expected.

A small proportion have catastrophic but not life threatening disorders. A stratified approach to care provision makes sense for cost containment, but for those with catastrophic disabling conditions, time taken to acknowledge and treat their conditions can be long and filled with irrelevant advice on minimizing risk factors, increasing pain tolerance and improving coping skills.

The two big DON’Ts in back pain care are:

  • Catastrophizing the mundane: making too much of mild or brief periods of low back pain. Guidelines are good at managing this problem.
  • Trivializing the catastrophic: For those patients without Red Flag conditions or radicular syndrome, yet have severe and/or disabling pain, guideline management is often demoralizing, ineffective and demeaning. Pathologies that are real are often missed or undiscovered for years

This webinar will address both of these DONTs, focusing mostly on “Trivializing the Catastrophic” which guidelines tend to encourage. Brief presentations of recent cases seen by Mark Laslett are used to illustrate failures of routine guideline management. The webinar consists of a 90 minute presentation and includes the Q & A session.


Instructor Dr Mark Laslett


Physiotherapy Specialist Musculoskeletal

Mark has over 50 years of clinical experience in musculoskeletal practice. He completed his PhD in “Diagnostic accuracy of the clinical examination compared to available reference standards in chronic low back pain patients” at the University of Linköping, Sweden in 2001 and in 2014 he became the first Specialist Physiotherapist registered in New Zealand.

His academic and research interest is in the theory and practice of diagnostics, has over 40 publications, contributed chapters to two multi-author books and published his own text Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy: The Upper Limb in 1996.

He became a Fellow of the New Zealand College of Physiotherapy in 2007, was made an honorary Life Member of Physiotherapy New Zealand in September 2014, and of the New Zealand Manipulative Physiotherapists Association in 2015.

He continues to practice as a consultant clinician in Christchurch, NZ and remains active in clinical research.

More info about Mark Laslett: https://www.marklaslett.nz/

Mark’s publications: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mark-Laslett