Course overview

This is a pre-recorded webinar. Includes a CPD Certificate at completion.

Access to Course: 30 Days

Cost: $20.00

Course includes:

  • Access to the recorded Webinar
  • Resources: Manual
  • CPD Certificate

Listen to Dr Mark Laslett's webinar discussing specific painful lumbar spine diagnoses including discogenic, facetogenic & SIJ pain. It a diagnosis possible, necessary or desirable? Presentation is followed by Q&A session. 

Here are questions to consider:

  • Is a specific diagnosis possible for back pain patients?
  • How do we know what the cause of back pain is?
  • Is a diagnosis necessary to guide management and treatment?
  • When is it necessary?
  • Does providing a diagnosis carry risks to the patient?
  • Is diagnosis based on imaging e.g MRI?
  • How do we use our assessment to arrive at a diagnosis?
  • What is the difference between a clinical diagnosis and a reference standard diagnosis?

How do we know the cause of symptoms? 

  • Clinical Diagnosis: the identification of source, cause and mediators of the pain experience using demographic information, history, physical examination and simple/cheap tests like x-rays or routine blood tests
  • Reference Standard Diagnosis: the best-known method of reaching a specific diagnosis. In addition to clinical diagnosis methods, this usually involves expensive and invasive diagnostic tests, like Hi-Tech Imaging or controlled anaesthetic blocks, plus a specialist interpretation of all the information.

What are the main sources of the painful lumbar spine? 

There are 5 basic categories

  • The anterior column: discogenic or vertebral body pain
  • The lumbar facet joints
  • The sacroiliac joint
  • Central and foraminal stenoses
  • The posterior column other than the facet joint (spondylolisthesis & Baastrups disease)

Course curriculum

    1. Overview

    2. Copyright Warning Notice

    3. About you

    1. Manual

    2. Is a Specific Diagnosis Possible for the Painful Lumbar Spine? | Webinar

    1. Back Pain Courses with Dr Mark Laslett

    2. Please rate this webinar

About this course

  • $30.00
  • 7 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content