Recorded on:  21 June 2022
Cost:  FREE
Access: 12 months

Presented by:  Dr Jacqui Clark and Dr Angela Cadogan  

Scapula dyskinesis can be ‘tricky’ to treat and some people have persistent pain or shoulder instability despite extensive treatment. Is sensory perception the forgotten link in rehabilitation? 

Scapula dyskinesis can be a benign, asymptomatic finding in many cases. However, for some people abnormal scapula function is associated with persistent shoulder girdle pain or shoulder instability (or both). Despite attempts at rehabilitation, many experience ongoing symptoms that can be difficult to treat and can be perplexing for the clinician.  

Join Specialist Physiotherapists Dr Jacqui Clark (Pain) and Dr Angela Cadogan (MSK) in this 30 minute, informal discussion and hear how sensory perception may be the forgotten link in scapula rehabilitation and get some tips on how to assess and manage sensorimotor deficits around the scapula.

In this webinar Jacqui and Angela discuss: 

  • Scapula dyskinesis and the association with persistent shoulder pain and instability 
  • Assessment of sensory perception and scapula proprioception  
  • Other factors that influence sensory processing 
  • Tips for how to improve scapula sensory perception and improve movement control 

This short discussion is an introduction to their blended learning (online + 2-day practical) course, “Rehabilitation of the Complex Shoulder” where Jacqui and Angela will help you learn how  to assess, clinically-reason and rehabilitate specific sensorimotor deficits of the shoulder girdle. 

You can download the brochure here.

Study time: 1 hour approximately

Handout and CPD Certificate included.


  • Handouts provided.

  • CPD certificates provided (1 learning hour)

  • Access to the recording for 12 months


Really interesting.


Really interesting. Good to see a more holistic approach to this issue.


Loved hearing about this topic, excited to hear more integration from neuro/MSK!


They are all relevant and most enjoyable.



Excellent - never thought of using a mirror box on the shoulder!

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Instructor Dr Jacqui Clark


Registered Specialist Pain Physiotherapist at ‘Pains and Brains’.

Jacqui holds a joint PhD from two European Universities and has lectured extensively around the world in motor control and sensorimotor retraining for recurrent and persistent musculoskeletal injuries. She is a registered Specialist Physiotherapist and works clinically in Tauranga at Pains and Brains.

Dr Angela Cadogan

Dip Phys, M.Sports Physio, Dip MT, PhD
Physiotherapy Specialist (Musculoskeletal).

Angela is a NZ registered Physiotherapy Specialist (Musculoskeletal) with a Ph.D in Musculoskeletal Diagnostics from AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand (2012) (shoulder sub-specialty). Based in Christchurch, she works as a clinical consultant in her own private practice specialising in the diagnosis and management of shoulder pain.

Angela also works in an Orthopaedic Triage and Assessment role (Shoulder Service) with the Canterbury District Health Board. Angela has an ongoing research interest in shoulder conditions, has many publications on the topic, has been an invited keynote speaker at many national and international shoulder conferences and is Associate Editor at JOSPT (Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy).

Angela has been teaching courses on the diagnosis, management and rehabilitation of shoulder conditions for over 10 years and is passionate about upskilling other physiotherapists and improving capability of the physiotherapy workforce to meet the needs of the changing healthcare system. Angela is the director of Physio Academy. Learn more: