Includes New Patient Updates

This course presents case studies of three patients seen by Mark Laslett. All have over 2 years of persistent lumbosacral pain and all have had precious unsuccessful treatment. Two cases have clinical diagnoses that were available on the basis of the initial clinical assessment finding. The other case has a clinical diagnosis that is unconfirmed but unneeded for management.


  1. Introduction

  2. Ian
    54 year old salesman with 8 years of persistent central low back pain with daily severe immobilising twinges and intolerance to prolonged sitting.

  3. Rosie
    18 year old athlete with 2 years of dominant buttock pain interrupting professional basketball career.

  4. Tom
    32 year old electrician with 8 years of persistent unilateral low back pain causing him to change occupations three times.

  5. Initial Concluding Commentary

  6. Patient  Updates
    Video of Ian in-clinic (mechanical discogenic pain) who is now pain-free.
    2 videos of history, physical examination & summary for Rosie (sacroiliac joint pain).
    follow-up questionnaires enabling comparison with baseline characteristics for all three patients.
    28 minute PowerPoint presentation summarising long-term follow-up of all three patients.

The three cases have consented to the assessments and follow ups being videoed for educational purposes. In the clinical assessments video was running continuously and has been edited to remove unnecessary dialog. Captions and annotations added to improve detail and clarity.

Learning activities:

  1. The history, the physical examination and follow up consultations are presented as separate video presentations.
  2. Each case has depersonalized case notes in the form of letters, imaging, and reports. Follow ups are more 12 months.
  3. Reading case notes online and in the course manual.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate 3 different patho-anatomic subsets of non-specific low back pain may be identified by clinical assessment and clinical reasoning
  2. Demonstrate the clinical assessment used in the consultations
  3. Demonstrate appropriate use of and referral for confirmation by reference standard diagnostic procedures
  4. Demonstrate that clinical pathoanatomic diagnosis is necessary in persistent pain so that on-going management and appropriate treatment may be determined.

Study time: Four hours of video. 1-2 hours of reading case notes.

More About This Course....

  • Video presentations

    Engaging audiovisual video presentation.

  • Patient Assessments

    Download and keep a copy of the patient assessments

  • Study Time

    4 hours (approx)

  • CPD Certificate Provided

    Download your CPD certificate on completion.

  • Access to online course

    12 months

Online Courses


Instructor Dr Mark Laslett


Physiotherapy Specialist Musculoskeletal

Mark has over 50 years of clinical experience in musculoskeletal practice. He completed his PhD in “Diagnostic accuracy of the clinical examination compared to available reference standards in chronic low back pain patients” at the University of Linköping, Sweden in 2001 and in 2014 he became the first Specialist Physiotherapist registered in New Zealand.

His academic and research interest is in the theory and practice of diagnostics, has over 40 publications, contributed chapters to two multi-author books and published his own text Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy: The Upper Limb in 1996.

He became a Fellow of the New Zealand College of Physiotherapy in 2007, was made an honorary Life Member of Physiotherapy New Zealand in September 2014, and of the New Zealand Manipulative Physiotherapists Association in 2015.

He continues to practice as a consultant clinician in Christchurch, NZ and remains active in clinical research.

More info about Mark Laslett:

Mark’s publications: