This webinar was recorded on 10 June 2021

Access: 12 months
Host: Dr Angela Cadogan

Shoulder pain is common in the older population. Physiotherapists are often asked to ‘manage’ shoulder pain for older people in residential care, and other settings where assessment and treatment of the shoulder can be affected by cognitive impairment, mobility impairment, medical and other physical comorbidities.  

Understanding the common shoulder conditions that affect this population and their natural history, how to modify your assessment to achieve a differential diagnosis, and what treatment interventions are available for specific conditions can help manage pain and disability in this group. In addition to physiotherapy, injections and surgery can have a role and understanding the utility and referral criteria can help optimise outcomes for older people with shoulder pain.  

In this webinar,  Angela discusses:

  • Common shoulder conditions that affect the older population
  • Shoulder assessment and how to modify this for specific patients
  • Differential diagnosis of common shoulder conditions
  • Physiotherapy treatment
  • Utility of injections
  • Orthopaedic referral criteria

By the end of this webinar you will be able to:

  • Understand common condition affecting the older shoulder
  • Be able to perform a modified shoulder assessment of the older shoulder
  • Be able to make a differential diagnosis of glenohumeral osteoarthritis, rotator cuff and cervical spine referred pain
  • Understand pain management options for specific conditions
  • Be able to develop an appropriate physiotherapy treatment plan including advice on modifying the environment for specific patients.
  • Be able to list the criteria for orthopaedic referral.

Slide handouts and CPD certificates are provided.

Study time: 1 hour



I found the information was not only valuable, but also very relevant for day to day patient treatments. I was able to put it to use by 8:30 on Friday morning!

Very useful course.

Very useful course. Targets a wide range of physiotherapists but still helpful for those who work in MSK regularly. Good duration. Helpful resources.


Working in community I find this to be such an issue. You provided really pragmatic and useful information. I was particularly encouraged to hear you encourage lower limb consideration. The holistic approach just great. Thank you

Great course


Great course, very knowledgeable speaker, and content spot on. Also will look forward to using some of the references and doing some more reading.

Such a treat


Such a treat to have across area presentation like this, we silo our knowledge too much as a profession, lets keep looking wide and far to best further our whole profession. Thank you!



Sometimes its great to be reminded of the realistic expectations for this group of patients as well as the available and limited treatment options.


I enjoyed this , good theory & very practical.



Very helpful showing diagnostic and relating to medical, surgical and physiotherapy treatments to each grouping. Great to understand the goals of treatment for each and importance to NOT treat with exs at times. Thanks


Dr Angela Cadogan

Dip Phys, M.Sports Physio, Dip MT, PhD
Physiotherapy Specialist (Musculoskeletal).

Angela is a NZ registered Physiotherapy Specialist (Musculoskeletal) with a Ph.D in Musculoskeletal Diagnostics from AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand (2012) (shoulder sub-specialty). Based in Christchurch, she works as a clinical consultant in her own private practice specialising in the diagnosis and management of shoulder pain.

Angela also works in an Orthopaedic Triage and Assessment role (Shoulder Service) with the Canterbury District Health Board. Angela has an ongoing research interest in shoulder conditions, has many publications on the topic, has been an invited keynote speaker at many national and international shoulder conferences and is Associate Editor at JOSPT (Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy).

Angela has been teaching courses on the diagnosis, management and rehabilitation of shoulder conditions for over 10 years and is passionate about upskilling other physiotherapists and improving capability of the physiotherapy workforce to meet the needs of the changing healthcare system. Angela is the director of Physio Academy. Learn more: