Recorded on:  29 March 2023
Access: 12 months 
Presented by: Dr Mark Laslett 
Hosted by: Angela Cadogan (Physio Academy)

Is this the end for ‘non-specific low back pain’? Find out why it should be considered a ‘failed experiment’. Find out how we can do better for many patients with a specific diagnosis of LBP.

More than half a billion people worldwide suffer from low back pain (LBP) at any given time. Yet we are constantly reminded that back pain is ‘self-limiting’. More than 80% of LBP is said to be ‘non-specific’, yet we have validated criterion standards with the ability to identify specific sources and causes of low back pain that can be treated effectively with targeted treatment. We know that specific subgroups of back pain exist, yet over 500 RCT’s have been conducted on ‘non-specific LBP; with almost no studies investigating interventions for specific back pain groups.  

How do we reconcile these contradictions and what does it mean for physiotherapists who see people with back pain? What is ‘non-specific LBP’? Do specific causes of LBP exist? How do we identify them? What evidence is there for non-surgical treatment of specific back pain subgroups? 

Find out in this webinar with Dr Mark Laslett! 

What will be covered? 

  • The great LBP contradiction: The global burden of LBP and the ‘self-limiting’ mantra 
  • The Definition: What is “non-specific low back pain’ 
  • The Violation: Why RCT’s will never produce any evidence for effect in NSLBP 
  • Hiding in plain sight: Specific causes of back pain 
  • The Science: It is possible to identify specific causes of LBP 
  • The Clinician: Diagnosis of specific low back pain is possible using ‘diagnosis by subtraction’ with clinical case studies. 
  • The Failed Experiment: Why we should reject the notion of non-specific LBP as a failed experiment 
  • The Future: Subgrouping LBP to enable targeted and specific treatment for specific sources and causes of LBP.

Study time: 1 hour approximately.

Handouts and CPD certificate provided.

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  • English captions included

  • CPD certificate provided

  • Access to the recording for 12 months


Great discussion on an important topic


Mark did a wonderful job laying out the overview of the issues behind NSLBP research, how it creates gaps, and the concept of washout effect when subclasses aren’t accounted for.


Gives me more grounding for looking at low back pain specifically not generally -NSLNP!!) Also just wetting the appetite for more. Penny



I did a year's clinical masters in Perth, Australia and Mark's courses are far superior, cheaper, entertaining and clinically applicable. Sign up for them all!! Thanks Mark (and Angela) you ROCK!!! As physics this should be our SKILL! Otherwise we are in the hands of GP's , massage therapists and personal trainers. Thanks guys- the voice of reason and professional direction.


Very good at helping deconstruct nsLBP as a diagnosis and providing alternative more specific diagnosis.

Captured attention with curiosity to engage in presentation.


Presented well with good clear rationale.

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Instructor Dr Mark Laslett


Physiotherapy Specialist Musculoskeletal

Mark has over 50 years of clinical experience in musculoskeletal practice. He completed his PhD in “Diagnostic accuracy of the clinical examination compared to available reference standards in chronic low back pain patients” at the University of Linköping, Sweden in 2001 and in 2014 he became the first Specialist Physiotherapist registered in New Zealand.

His academic and research interest is in the theory and practice of diagnostics, has over 40 publications, contributed chapters to two multi-author books and published his own text Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy: The Upper Limb in 1996.

He became a Fellow of the New Zealand College of Physiotherapy in 2007, was made an honorary Life Member of Physiotherapy New Zealand in September 2014, and of the New Zealand Manipulative Physiotherapists Association in 2015.

He continues to practice as a consultant clinician in Christchurch, NZ and remains active in clinical research.

More info about Mark Laslett:

Mark’s publications: