Access: Lifetime of site | Cost: $90.00 USD 

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This course looks at the mechanical relationships, namely length-tension and force-velocity, that influence mechanotransduction and protein synthesis. We focus on eccentric, concentric and isometric contractions exploring the effects of stress/load/force, strain/length/deformation and active/passive tension in depth.

Course includes BONUS MODULE:

Eccentric Quasi-Isometric - A new approach to muscular and connective tissue training”

Eccentrics and isometrics are used a lot in the rehab and performance space.  Would there be benefit to bring these contraction types together?   What would this type of training look like?

This module will explore the why and how of EQI training and you will leave with a clear understanding of how and when to load and the potential tissue adaptations.

More About This Course:

The mechanical load you provide your patient/athlete affects molecular signalling (mechanotransduction) and therefore muscle remodelling e.g. protein synthesis after injury. This course looks at the mechanical relationships, namely length-tension and force-velocity, that influence this process. Your understanding around eccentric, concentric and isometric contractions are a focus as well exploring the effects of stress/load/force, strain/length/deformation and active/passive tension in depth.

This course is designed to be completed over four-weeks - at your own pace. We suggest planning 2-3 hours per week to fully review the course material, complete the case studies and quizzes, and integrate the material into your practice. All course activities are optional, but encouraged to support learning. You will have access to the course material for 4 weeks.

In this course you will learn:

  • Mechanical relationships
    • length tension relationship
    • force velocity curve
    • active and passive tension
  • Isometric contractions:
    • assessment and training applications
  • Concentric contractions:
    • assessment and using the force velocity curve in training
  • Eccentric contractions:
    • mechanics and physiology
    • assessment and training
    • programming considerations.

Learning Outcomes:

  • How the length-tension relationship drives tendinous, connective tissue and muscular adaptation.
  • How different parts of the concentric-force velocity curve impact assessment and programming.
  • How different parts of the eccentric force-velocity cure impact assessment and programming with an emphasis of accentuated and supramaximal eccentrics.
  • Applications and implication of eccentrics, concentrics and isometrics to strength and conditioning and rehabilitation.

Students will also be provided with;

  • Relevant and recent open access readings
  • Handouts of the presentations
  • CPD certificates

Study time: Approximately 10 hours

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John Cronin

PhD (Auckland), BEd, MA (Canada), Dip High Performance Coaching (Canada), Dip PE, Dip Tchg.

Professor, Strength and Conditioning, AUT University Head of Research, Lila Movement Technology

Hi I am John Cronin, AKA JC and I am a Professor in Strength and Conditioning. I am primarily an educator, researcher and mentor. I have two passions – one related to improving human movement, athleticism and sporting performance via strength and conditioning, and the other related to sharing this information with others.