Connective Tissue Disorders
BundleCost: $20 NZD | Access: 12 months | Learn about connective tissue disorders including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and Sjogren's syndrome, their clinical presentation, investigations and referral indications.
Deconstructing Non-Specific Low Back Pain
Course4.6 average rating (17 reviews)FREE | Access 12: Months | Is this the end for ‘non-specific low back pain’? Find out why it should be considered a ‘failed experiment’. Find out how we can do better for many patients with a specific diagnosis of LBP.
Fundamentals of Laboratory Testing
CourseCost: $214.00 CAD* | 10 weeks* | Learn about common laboratory tests, their utilisation, normal reference ranges and clinical implications for physiotherapy practice.
BundleCost: $20 NZD | Access: 12 months | Learn about the clinical presentation of gout, differential diagnosis, investigations and referral criteria.
Introduction to Rheumatology Red Flags
CourseCost: $45 | Access: 12 months. An introduction to rheumatology for musculoskeletal physiotherapists. Learn the classification and presenting features of common rheumatologic conditions and basic management principles.
Management of Chronic Athletic Groin Pain
CourseCost: $195 | Understand current terminology and pathomechanics underlying athletic groin pain. Recognise key clinical tests and measures for athletic groin pain. Apply new treatment and exercise strategies to maximize return to sport.