5 Myths Busted About Treating Low Back Pain
Digital downloadThe document is about busting common myths and misconceptions surrounding the treatment of low back pain by Dr. Mark Laslett.
Back Pain | Diagnosis & Management Beyond Guidelines
Digital downloadDownload Mark Laslett's 2024 E-book Now! 101 pages and 8 chapters. An essential resource for any clinician who is diagnosing and managing people with back pain.
Beginner's Guide to the Rotator Cuff Diagnosis & Management
Digital downloadYour Essential 1-page guide to Rotator Cuff Differential Diagnosis and Management for the Beginner.
How to Modify a Gym Programme for People with Acromioclavicular Joint Pain
Digital downloadIf the Acromioclavicular joint is symptomatic, these 6 common exercises may increase symptoms. What are they and how can you modify them for people with AC joint pain? Find out in this downloadable clinical guide.
MOVE Mentoring Programme │Infographic
Digital downloadDownload a quick-glance summary of the results of the MOVE Mentoring Programme research study investigating the benefits of mentoring for new graduate physiotherapists.
My Rotator Cuff is Torn, Do I Need Surgery?
Digital downloadRotator cuff tears are common in shoulder imaging. Some patients believe surgery is the only solution, influenced by online advice, while others, patients with lower demands, prefer to manage without surgery to avoid lengthy rehabilitation.