Shoulder Webinar Package
BundleFour Shoulder Webinars for NZD $40. Access 12 months │ Learning time 1 hour each │ CPD certificates provided.
Spinal Accessory Nerve [Cranial Nerve XI]
Digital downloadDigital download: Spinal accessory nerve anatomy, innervation, injury mechanisms & exam techniques, plus investigations, rehab strategies & prognosis. A Practice Pro Tip for quick reference in the clinic!
Sport and Exercise Webinar Package
BundleFour Sport and Exercise Webinars for just NZD $25. Access 12 months │ Learning time 1 hour each │ CPD certificates provided.
Sternoclavicular Sleuthing: Imaging & Treatment Tactics
CourseGlenohumeral Gurus Present: Sternoclavicular Sleuthing: Imaging & Treatment Tactics with Dr Angela Cadogan.
Stiff Shoulder
BundleAccess 12 months. Includes all Stiff Shoulder lessons in one discounted package. Diagnosis of the stiff shoulder, Frozen shoulder, and Glenohumeral osteoarthritis.
Stiff Shoulder | Diagnosis of the Stiff Shoulder
CourseAccess: 12 months | Many conditions can present with a 'stiff shoulder', and an accurate differential diagnosis is important to ensure the patient receives appropriate treatment for their condition.