The Back Pain Podcast | The Clinicians Edition
Course4.5 average rating (2 reviews)FREE | Access: 12 months | Discussion with Dr Mark Laslett & Adam Meakins.
The Sacroiliac Joint and Pelvic Girdle Pain: What are we treating?
Course4.8 average rating (4 reviews)Cost: $10 NZD | Access 12 months | This webinar has ended, register now to be advised when the recording is available.
The Sacroiliac Joint and Pelvic Girdle Pain. Let's Get Some Facts Straight!
Digital downloadThe sacroiliac joint & pelvic girdle pain represent a large number of specific, and non-specific clinical entities. Many terms and tests are used & interpreted inappropriately leading to ineffective treatment. Explore this guide with Dr Mark Laslett.
Two Big DON’T’s in Back Pain care? Webinar
CourseWe will address the DONTs, focusing mostly on “Trivializing the Catastrophic” which guidelines tend to encourage. Brief presentations of recent cases seen are used to illustrate failures of routine guideline management. 90 min presentation. Q & A.