Problem-Solving the Problem Shoulder Webinar
CourseAccess:12 months | Pre-recorded | Cost $20 NZD. Identify common reasons why people with shoulder pain often don’t improve with physiotherapy treatment and will give you practical tips on what you can do to get them progressing in the right direction.
Re-Thinking Rotator Cuff Rehabilitation Webinar
CourseAccess: 12 months | In this webinar we look at the principles of rehabilitation for rotator cuff rehabilitation. We challenge the beliefs about effects of exercise for rotator cuff related pain and discuss a new way of thinking about rehabilitation.
Rheumatology Red Flags Webinar
CourseAccess: 12 months | Cost: $20 NZD. Pre-recorded. Host: Jack March, BSc (Hons), MCSP. In this webinar you will learn about health risk factors, symptoms and signs that will help you to recognise rheumatologic conditions.
Sacroiliac Joint Pain Webinar
CourseRecorded Webinar | Sacroiliac Joint Pain | Access: 12 months | Dr Mark Laslett covers the clinical diagnosis of SIJ pain, discusses SIJ 'dysfunction' and presents case studies and latest evidence for SIJ pain.
Screening for Serious Pathology Webinar
CourseWatch this pre-recorded Screening for Serious Pathology Webinar, available for 12 months. CPD Certificates and handouts available.
Shoulder Academy
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