The Acromioclavicular Joint in Sport
CourseCost: $20.00 NZD | Access: 12 months | Dr Ian Horsley discusses the management of ACJ traumatic injuries and the differential diagnosis, along with rehabilitation strategies that include the scapula and thoracic spine.
The Female Athlete: Special Considerations In Musculoskeletal Injury Management
Course5.0 average rating (7 reviews)$20 | Access: 12 months | Kylie Cox presents an overview for Physiotherapists on the special considerations of the female athlete in musculoskeletal injury management.
The Shoulder: Theory and Practice Webinar
CourseFREE | Access: 12 months | Hear Jeremy talk about the upcoming book “The Shoulder: Theory and Practice”
The Tricky Scapula
Course4.5 average rating (2 reviews)FREE | Access 12 months | Scapula dyskinesis can be ‘tricky’ to treat and some people have persistent pain or shoulder instability despite extensive treatment. Is sensory perception the forgotten link in rehabilitation?
Two Big DON’T’s in Back Pain care? Webinar
CourseWe will address the DONTs, focusing mostly on “Trivializing the Catastrophic” which guidelines tend to encourage. Brief presentations of recent cases seen are used to illustrate failures of routine guideline management. 90 min presentation. Q & A.
What’s New in Concussion Rehab?
Course4.4 average rating (12 reviews)$20 | Access: 12 months | Latest evidence and clinical advances in the assessment and management of concussion. Find out how these advances will influence your understanding of concussion and directly affect your clinical practice.